Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Day 19, Tuesday, 31st March 2020, Covid-19 school closure, Ireland

I headed to the shop today to get food for my family and for my mother and father. It was a lovely morning, bright, clear, sunny, and still cold from the Nor'easterly wind. I got the food at the local shop and drove to my parents' house. Mam was doing her daily walk , around their house, as they are now cocooning, and are not to leave the property.
Dad was using a slash hook to cut down some bushes that were getting too big for the spot where they were planted . Great to see them, even if only briefly. Mam gave me two plates of apple tart (=pie)  to take home, my children will be delighted!
Once I got home, I made lunch for myself and the 4 children. We sat together and chatted, and then ate tart! Yum.  Husband works from home and is off in his office all day. He already had his lunch, he can have tart later with his coffee.

(Apparently, people in the past cleared grass away so they could grow dandelions.
There is a lot more to this plant than meets the eye. Dent-du-lion, lion's tooth. )

The day was lovely, and I headed off for my first walk. When I got back , I took a shovel, a crowbar, a metal rake and a hoe. I started to dig up some very large stones at one side of the driveway. The plan was to lift the stones, move them back further from the edge of the driveway, rake down the large heap of loose gravel that had gathered in front of the stones and in this way, to slightly widen the drive, even out the gravel to take away the 'lip' that had built up and to make it less troublesome for the dear daughters when they are driving in and reversing out of the driveway.
My son came out and offered to help, so that was great. We succeeded in the plan, the stones are moved back and the gravel is more level,  and I am well pleased! I might get a man to come and put down kerb stones or wooden railway sleepers and to do a right job on the driveway at some point, but right now, it is just fine.
I got so many steps with that work that I only needed to do a short walk at 7pm to get to the 10,000 steps. I am so grateful for the pedometer app and for the road I live on that I can get this walk every day, as there is definitely plenty of home baking being made and eaten by me these days.
Now I am going to try to get some paperwork looked at, I want certain things done and dusted by Friday!

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I live in the Irish countryside. I love walking and looking at the sky overhead. I also love spinning! If you have any questions about spinning or any comments about my blog, just let me know by leaving a comment. Thanks.

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